Imagine you’re on a journey to create the coolest lemonade stand in your town. You’ve got the lemons, sugar, water, and most importantly, your secret ingredient. But, how do you let people know where to find your delicious lemonade? Just like a lemonade stand needs a catchy sign, your online business needs a perfect domain name. This is the address where people can find your business on the big, wide Internet. Here are some tips on how to select the perfect domain name for your small business.
Seeking Out the Best Domain Extensions
Think of a domain extension like the neighborhood of your online business. Some neighborhoods, like .com, .net, and .org, are very popular and well-known. Just like how more people would visit a lemonade stand on Main Street than a hidden alley, a .com website often gets more visitors. If Main Street (.com) is full, you can set up your stand on other popular streets (.net or .org). If all these are taken, it’s time to think of a new name for your stand.
Crafting a Brandable Name
What would you remember more – a lemonade stand named “SweetTangyRefreshingLemonade”, or one called “LemonZip”? The second one, right? It’s unique, catchy, and easy to remember. Just like big brands such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram, your domain name should be unique and memorable. It should pop into people’s minds the moment they hear it, without confusing them with other words.
Why Short is Sweet
Imagine you’re shouting from across the street, inviting people to your lemonade stand. Will you shout “SweetTangyRefreshingLemonade”, or “LemonZip”? The shorter the name, the easier it is to call out, remember, and visit. The same goes for domain names. Keep it short, ideally between six and fourteen characters.
The Easier to Spell, the Better
No one likes tongue-twisters, especially when they’re trying to type a web address. Just like easy words are easier to spell, simple domain names are easier to type. Google, CNN, Opera – all these big names are straightforward. So, make sure your domain name is easy to spell and type.
Avoiding Hyphens and Numbers
Imagine telling your friend about your lemonade stand. Would you rather say, “Check out Lemon-Zip-123,” or “Visit LemonZip”? Hyphens and numbers complicate things. They’re hard to remember, hard to type, and don’t help create a strong brand image. So, when choosing a domain name, stick to alphabets.
Reflecting Your Business
Your domain name is more than just an address; it’s a reflection of your business. It should give people an idea about what your business does. If you sell lemonade, you wouldn’t call your stand “Cool Burgers,” right? Similarly, choose a domain name that gives a hint about your business.
Using Local References
If you’re running a local business, referencing your location can help. “LemonZipToronto” tells people that your business is based in Toronto. But remember, keep it short and easy to remember and spell.
Testing the Name
Before you settle on a name, test it out. Ask friends, family, or potential customers what they think. If they find it easy to remember and spell, and it reflects your business, you’re onto a winner.
Choosing a domain name for your business is like choosing a name for your lemonade stand. It should be short, easy to remember and spell, unique, and reflective of your business. Avoid complicated symbols and numbers, and remember to keep it relevant to your business. Follow these small business SEO tips to create a name that will stand the test of time. Because as Bill Gates once said, “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.”
1. What is a domain name?
A domain name is the address where Internet users can access your website. It’s like the name of your lemonade stand.
2. Why should I choose a .com, .net, or .org extension?
These are popular and well-known domain extensions, similar to popular streets in a town. They tend to attract more visitors.
3. Why should my domain name be brandable?
A unique and memorable domain name will stick in people’s minds, just like a catchy brand name. It helps create a strong brand image.
4. Why is a shorter domain name better?
A short domain name is easier to remember and type. It’s like a short and sweet name for your lemonade stand.
5. Why should I avoid hyphens and numbers in my domain name?
Hyphens and numbers complicate your domain name. They’re harder to remember, spell, and type.
6. Why should my domain name reflect my business?
A domain name that reflects your business gives people a hint about what you do. It’s like calling a lemonade stand “Cool Lemonade” instead of “Cool Burgers.”
7. What should I do if the domain name I want is taken?
If the domain name you want is taken, you can try a different extension, tweak the name, or think of a new one. Just remember to keep it short, simple, and relevant.