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  • How to do Keyword Research for Small Business Toronto
January 26, 2020
Keyword research and content creation Toronto


Imagine you own a candy store in a bustling city full of other candy shops. How do you ensure customers find their way to your store? Well, just as a shop owner might use a colorful sign to attract customers, a website uses keyword research to reach its target audience. Now, your sign may be bright and flashy, but if it doesn’t say “candy”, you might not attract many candy lovers. Similarly, if your website’s keyword strategy doesn’t align with what your audience is searching for, you might struggle to stand out from the online crowd. Let’s dive deeper into the sweet world of keyword research.

Finding Your Candy Store: Creating a Unique Keyword Strategy

To ensure your candy shop stands out from the rest, you’ll want to find the magic words that make people think of your store. This is where a unique keyword strategy comes in. Just like a catchy, well-placed sign can draw candy lovers into your store, the right keywords can guide potential customers to your website. You need to adapt to your customers’ language and show them that you understand exactly what they’re looking for.

What’s in a Name: The Importance of Search Shaped Keywords

When naming your candy shop, you wouldn’t call it “The Place of Sweet Delights”, would you? Most likely not, because people looking for candy would likely search for “candy shop”. The same principle applies to keyword research. You should use keywords that YOU would use if you were a customer of your business. These “user intent” keywords resonate better with your audience than creative but vague phrases.

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Google and Keyword Research Websites: Your Keyword Concoction Tools

Just as a master candy maker might look to popular candy recipes for inspiration, you can use Google and keyword research websites to find the most sought-after keywords. Google’s autocomplete feature, for example, suggests popular search terms based on what you type. Similarly, keyword research websites can provide you with keywords that have a high search volume.

The Sweet Spot: Understanding Keyword Difficulty

Picking the right keywords is like choosing the right ingredients for your candy – some are harder to work with than others. The same applies to keywords. The more difficult a keyword is, the less likely it is to rank on the first page of search engine results. That’s because high competition keywords are already ranking on major websites. So, like choosing easily manageable ingredients for your candy, choose keywords with a lower difficulty for a better chance to rank higher.

Adapting to Change: The Evolution of Keyword Research

Just as candy trends have evolved over the years, so has keyword research. The focus has shifted from strict keyword phrases to user intent, context, and relevance. By understanding these changes and adapting your strategy, you can craft a powerful and effective keyword strategy.

The Power of Long-Tail Keywords

Think of long-tail keywords as the special, detailed description of your candy. Instead of just “chocolate”, it’s “homemade dark chocolate with almonds”. While less searched, these keywords have less competition and attract users who are looking for something very specific – like your product!

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Tracking and Adjusting Your Keyword Strategy

Just like you would keep an eye on your candy sales and adjust your recipes accordingly, it’s essential to track the performance of your keywords and tweak your strategy as needed. This ensures you stay on top of trends and continue to meet your audience’s needs.


Finding the perfect blend of keywords for your website can be as delightful as discovering the perfect candy recipe. By focusing on user intent, context

, and relevance, you can create a delectable strategy that not only satisfies your audience’s sweet tooth but also boosts your website’s visibility. Remember, it’s not just about attracting a lot of customers, but about attracting the right ones. Like finding the ultimate candy lover for your shop, the best keyword strategy leads you to the people who need and want what you offer. And as always, you can find more insights on SEO for small businesses and specific tips for your local market with these small business SEO tips Toronto.


1. Why should I use keyword research for my small business?

Keyword research is like placing signposts that guide your customers right to your website. It helps you understand what your customers are searching for and how you can meet their needs.

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2. How can I create a unique keyword strategy?

Think about what you’d search for if you were a customer. Using those keywords will help you connect with your audience and stand out from your competitors.

3. How can Google and keyword research websites help me with my keyword strategy?

They can provide you with popular keywords and show you what your target audience is searching for.

4. What is keyword difficulty and why is it important?

Keyword difficulty refers to how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword. Lower difficulty keywords can help your website rank higher and be seen by more people.

5. What are long-tail keywords and why should I use them?

Long-tail keywords are specific phrases that people search for. They can help you attract customers who are looking for exactly what you offer.

6. How has keyword research changed over the years?

Keyword research has evolved to focus more on user intent, context, and relevance, rather than just strict keyword phrases.

7. How can I track and adjust my keyword strategy?

By regularly reviewing the performance of your keywords and adjusting as necessary, you can stay on top of trends and meet your audience’s needs.

Remember, a great keyword strategy isn’t just about finding the right words. It’s about understanding and connecting with your audience. As Seth Godin, a renowned marketer, once said, “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” This also holds true for your keyword strategy. Find keywords for your audience, and you’ll find success for your business.

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